Product Freeze Points
This is a detailed chart of our products and their freeze points.

Drexel Product Guide
New Drexel Product Guide

Drexel Product List
This is the most current list of the Drexel product line.

RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT – Group Numbers for Mode Of Action (MOA) on our Pesticide Products
These are detailed charts of Resistance Classifications according to Mode of Action.

This is the most current list of the Drexel approved products for D-Technologies.

Committed to Tobacco for 50 Years
Drexel Chemical Company would like to announce advertisements in the April II & May II editions of Tobacco Farmer’s Newsletter.

Making the Grade – Tobacco and Dosimeter
Drexel Chemical Company would like to announce advertisement in the April 7th issue of The Farmer’s Pride.

Premium Quality – Potato
Drexel Chemical Company would like to announce an advertisement in the October 1st issue of Spudman.

Peanuts Aerial Application – AL, FL & GA
Peanuts Drexel Chemical Company’s comprehensive product line can fit any Peanut Grower’s need. We are devoted to providing quality products, including: Adjuvants, Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides and Nutritionals.

Cotton Aerial Applications – AL, FL & GA
Cotton Drexel Chemical Company’s comprehensive product line can fit any Cotton Grower’s need. We are devoted to providing quality products, including: Adjuvants, Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides and Nutritionals.

Plucker-Plus In Stock!
Plucker-Plus® is a four to one ratio of Sucker-Plucker® to Drexalin™ Plus which provides both the contact activity of Fatty Alcohols and the systemic activity of Flumetralin.

Aerial Application Insecticides for Alfalfa, Corn, Grain Sorghum and Soybeans
Drexel Chemical Company is a member of the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA).

Digging Up Profits for Growers
Drexel Chemical Company would like to announce advertisements in the February 13th, March 13th and April 17th issues of Southeast Farm Press.